Wednesday, August 17, 2016

all about almonds...

Almonds. That's what's on my mind today. Just 10 almonds a day is supposed to be great for your health. We've all heard about (or gotten on) the Great American Almond Kick. The problem is, when they talk about all the health benefits of almonds, the almonds really should be:

a) organic
b) truly raw

Most of the health benefits are destroyed when almonds are roasted, and nothing is good for you if it's coated with poisons.

Do you know that our country's almond growers are required by law to either irradiate and/or spray awful chemicals on raw almonds they sell? Even on organic raw almonds.
So I did research and found out you can buy truly raw organic untreated almonds if you buy them direct from the almond grower. Email me ( and I can give you some contact information on where to buy almonds direct from the grower in California by mail. I've bought from this particular grower and the almonds were truly raw and sproutable.
That brings up another issue. There are what's called "anti-nutrients" in the almonds that prevent you from absorbing important traditional societies, they soaked their almonds...almonds really aren't that good for you unless you buy them raw and organic and soak them...
So I got a big glass jar to soak them overnight...but then you have to dehydrate them so they'll keep (and not be mushy)....thank heavens I have an old-timey oven that goes as low as 115 degrees, so I didn't have to buy a dehydrator....
But whether you dehydrate your soaked almonds in your oven or dehydrator, there's something else to think about. There's the issue of cookware and health I've been learning about...aluminum causes problems (including potentially Alzheimer's), non-stick causes cancer, even stainless steel clad and ceramic can leach aluminum into your food if there are rivets on the inside of the pan where the handles connect, plastic for storing or microwaving food is horrible causing cancer-causing, hormone-disrupting phytoestrogens to leach into our food, microwaves are horrible...

So who wants to buy raw organic almonds then dehydrate them on plastic dehydrator trays or aluminum I got glass Marinex pans and a stainless steel cookie sheet and spread my almonds out on it and dehydrated them in my oven on its lowest setting.
I ordered 5 pounds of raw organic almonds (untreated) directly from my organic California almond farmer. I soaked them overnight in my wonderful pure well water in a glass jar, then I put them in my oven on glass and stainless steel at 115 degrees, and they dehydrated overnight. Then I stored them in the fridge and on the shelf in mason jars...

So I now have almonds that are truly good for me...still raw (with undestroyed nutrients and enzymes)...soaked (to deactivate the anti-nutrients)...but dehydrated so they're not mushy...still full of enzymes...but free of added chemicals and naturally occurring chemicals that are bad for me...and once I got my little system in place, it really wasn't a big deal:

1. order them
2. put them in water soak them overnight
3. dehydrate them overnight
4. and you have almonds for months...
I priced organic raw soaked dehydrated almonds at a ultra-healthy company and they were over a hundred dollars for five pounds...I bought mine for $45 for five pounds...and did the soaking and dehydrating myself to save a hundred bucks...
You're probably all thinking I have nothing to do with myself...but I'm really researching what we're doing in our society that is making all of us sick...and it's sad. We buy almonds because we think they're good for us and it turns out our government is forcing farmers to irradiate or spray them with chemicals and label them raw and organic. That's not counting the natural anti-nutrients that nut companies could easily neutralize with soaking, but it costs them too much money, so not only don't they do it, nobody bothers to tell us it needs to be done. Then when you start researching how to do it yourself, there are all sorts of other hidden dangers--like how plastic containers especially when heated (even dehydrators) are causing us to consume phytoestrogens that lead to cancers like mine...
So I'm trying to get this down to a system...if any of you want truly healthy almonds, email Donna Gail and I'll give you all the info for free.

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